Does Dr. Weintraub take insurance?

Dr. Weintraub does not take commercial insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. Dr. Weintraub does not bill insurance. She can provide an itemized bill for all visits that can be submitted to commercial insurance carriers for available reimbursement.

Please contact us for pricing.

Can I see Dr. Weintraub in person?

At this time, Dr. Weintraub is seeing patients both in person and Telehealth, with an easy-to-use HIPAA compliant platform. Dr. Weintraub is licensed in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, and California. She is able to see patients virtually from these states. She sees patients in person at her offices in Westchester, NY, and New York City.

Evening and Saturday appointments are available.

Does Dr. Weintraub see pediatric patients?

Dr. Weintraub sees patients that are 16 years old, or older.

I would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Weintraub. What is the best way to do that?

Contact Dr. Weintraub directly at drjill@jillweintraubmd.com, or call her office at (914) 752-8773.

What kind of treatment does Dr. Weintraub offer?

Dr. Weintraub believes that most patients with rheumatologic diseases benefit from a combined pharmaceutical and integrative approach.  She also feels that no two patients are alike and that treatment should be personalized.

She frequently devises therapeutic food plans and elimination diets, uses supplements, botanicals, and mind body techniques in combination with pharmaceutical medication for the most effective results.

Dr. Weintraub also believes that eliminating autoimmune triggers is critical, and works with her patients to systematically remove aggravating factors.